Top 5 Home Remedies to Get Rid of Sun Tan Effectively

Summer can be cruel to everyone and it can affect your skin in a crucial way. However, if you are going out to hang out with friends and family so it can be cruel for your skin, here we are sharing some of the highly effective tips to get rid of Sun Tan.

Tomato: Tomato is considered to be a great ingredient when it comes to beauty and skin. It is a great source of Vitamin C and antioxidants to accelerate the growth of collagen in the body. Therefore, it proves effective in preventing your skin from Sunburn.

How to use Tomato to Prevent Sunburn?

1) Take a Tomato & mesh it properly separate its pulp and apply its juice on the affected areas or all over your face.
2) Now let it dry for around 15 minutes and then wash it with normal water.
3) We will advise you to repeat this process twice a week and it will help you fight against the Tan.

Lemon juice and honey to remove tan: Lemon Juice is also considered to be a great home remedy to get rid of Tan. Lemon juice has bleaching effects that help in preventing Tan.

1) Take a fresh lemon squeeze it in a bowl and add some honey and apply to your skin.
2) To get the best result let it dry for 30 minutes & then wash it

Cucumber extract helps to remove tan: Cucumber is a great source to extract Tan & sunburn effectively. Cucumber has a cooling effect and helps remove tan.
1) Squeeze a Cucumber to get its Juice.
2) Use a Cotton Ball and Apply it properly to your skin
3) This will prove benevolent for your skin

Potato juice to get rid of tan: Potato Juice is considered to be a Potent force to remove the Tan. Potato has a soothing effect and it proves efficient in removing Tan from your skin.
1) Take out the juice of the Potato and apply it directly to your skin
2) Keep them 10-12 minutes on Your Face and then wash it properly.

Masoor dal (red lentil), tomato, and aloe vera pack: Masoor dal proves to be an effective remedy in treating suntan. Tomato juice brightens up the skin while aloe vera soothes and moisturizes it.

1) Soak 2 tbsp of masoor dal in water for a few hours until the dal gets soft.

2) Drain the water and put in a blender.

3) To the dal, add 1 teaspoon of aloe vera and gel and 2 teaspoons of fresh tomato juice.

4) Blend into a paste.

5) Apply on suntanned skin and let it stay for 20 minutes.

6) Rinse it out with water using a massage action.

I am a professional Blogger and Researcher on Women's Fashion. I started my professional career in New Jersey and now I am also exploring the world to know the different cultures and their fashions related to women. Hope you enjoy reading my blogs.

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