Top 3 Health Benefits of Indian Food

Indian Food is hugely popular not only among the Indians but across the world. Indian food includes many spices, pulses, and rice, not forgetting its variety of flavors and colors which are what makes this cuisine so unique. So if you are living in Bangkok and missing Indian food, here we are sharing some of the benefits of Indian food. Being the best Indian Restaurant in Bangkok, here we are sharing some of the benefits of Indian Food.

The traditional Indian diet consists of a high intake of plant foods like vegetables, lentils, and fruits, as well as low consumption of meat [3]. When consumed the right way, the ingredients in Indian cuisine can help improve your health in many ways.

An Indian diet is more of unrefined and fiber-rich carbohydrates. Moreover, our body’s constitution and tropical weather conditions call for a more energy-rich diet. Studies link the Indian diet to a reduced risk of Alzheimer’s disease, which is assumed due to the low consumption of meat and emphasis on vegetables and fruits [4][5].

The Indian diet is rich in nutritious foods like grains, lentils, healthy fats, vegetables, dairy, and fruits. However, it does not mean that eating meat, poultry, fish, and eggs is discouraged. Indian cuisine, as we all know, emphasizes on the use of healthy spices such as turmeric, fenugreek, coriander, ginger, and cumin

Good for Heart: Indian food is considered to be good for your heart. The reason why Indian food is good for health is because it consists with vegetables, leguce, and spices that help in reducing cholesterol level and are considered to be good for your heart health. The limited use of healthy spices and herbs helps in fighting inflammation and other problems that could rise to heart problems.

Controls Blood Sugar: A balanced diet help in controlling the sugar levels

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